The editors of the Brains blog, together with the Departments of Philosophy at Florida State University and the University of Houston, are pleased to announce the second annual Minds Online conference program.
The conference comprises four weeklong sessions in September 2016. Each session is scheduled as follows:
Saturday before the session: contributed papers in each session are posted.
Monday of the session: invited commentaries, keynote are posted; public commenting begins.
Friday night of the session: all commenting closes.
To learn more about each presenter, click their name. To read a paper, click the paper title. To read abstracts from each session, click the title of the session.
To get automatic updates about new posts, videos, etc. subscribe via email (in the menu). You can also get updates by following the conference on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and/or YouTube (also in menu).
Conference hashtag: #MindsOnline2016
September 5-9: Skill, Expertise, and Attention
KEYNOTE: “Longer, Smaller, Faster Stronger: on skills and intelligence“, by Ellen Fridland (King’s College London)
Session Chair: Rachel Amoroso (Florida State University)
- “Do we reflect when performing skilful actions?”, by Juan Pablo Bermudez (Universidad Externado de Colombia)
- Commentators: Lieke Asma, Michael Brownstein, Joshua Shepherd
- “Guidance of visual attention” by Denis Buehler (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
- Commentators: Peter Fazekas, Mark Fortney, Sebastian Watzl
- “Knowledge-how, abilities, and questions” by Joshua Habgood-Coote (University of St. Andrews)
- Commentators: Carlotta Pavese, Evan Riley, Jay Spitzley
- “Attention as selection for action: A Challenge” by Aaron Henry (University of Toronto)
- Commentators: Carolyn Dicey Jennings, Robyn Waller
September 12-16: Philosophy of Cognitive Science
KEYNOTE: “Socialized Attention and Situated Agency” Bryce Huebner (Georgetown University)
Session Chair: Andrew Christman (Florida State University)
- “Expanding Our Picture of Stereotype Threat” by Stacey Goguen (Boston University)
- Commentators: Helen Beebee, Lauren Freeman
- “Is IIT compatible with Russellian panpsychism?” by Hedda Hassel Mørch (NYU / University of Oslo)
- Commentators: Torin Alter, Luke Roelofs
- “Miscomputing Individualistically: It’s the Only Way to Do it” by Chris Tucker (College of William and Mary)
- Commentators: Marcin Milkowski, Gualtiero Piccinini
- “The what and where of mental states: a new argument for the extended mind thesis” by Karina Vold (McGill University)
- Commentators: Ken Aizawa, Brie Gertler, Michael Wheeler
September 19-23: Meaning, Knowing, Doing
KEYNOTE: “Expression and Meaning: Acts, Products, and ‘Normative Language“ by Dorit Bar-On (University of Connecticut)
Session Chair: Mirja Perez De Calleja (Florida State University)
- “Epistemic closure in folk epistemology” by James R. Beebe and Jake Monaghan (University at Buffalo)
- Commentators: Wesley Buckwalter, John Turri
- “Goal ascription for the a-rational” by Sam Clarke (University of Oxford)
- Commentators: Kristin Andrews, Mitchell Herschbach, Joulia Smortchkova
- “Joint mentality and quasi-agential groups” by Luke Roelofs (Australian National University)
- Commentators: Olle Blomberg, Johannes Himmelreich
September 26-30: Perception
KEYNOTE: “How to solve the paradox of spatial pitch without resorting to metaphors” Ophelia Deroy (University of London)
Session Chair: Paul Rezkalla (Florida State University)
- “Visual spatial awareness probably requires the awareness of space” by Bartek Chomanski (University of Miami)
- Commentators: Robert Briscoe, Alisa Mandrigin, John Schwenkler
- “Cognitive Penetration and top-down modulation in visual perception”, by Dimitria Electra Gatzia (University of Akron, University of Antwerp)
- Commentators: Jake Quilty-Dunn, Katia Samoilova, John Zeimbekis
- “Everything is Clear: All Perceptual Experience is Phenomenologically Transparent” by Laura Gow (Cambridge)
- Commentators: Keith Allen, Jacob Berger, Amy Kind, Daniel Stoljar
- “Sounds as perceptual mediators” by Maarten Steenhagen (University of Antwerp)
- Commentators: John Kulvicki, Jason Leddington, Mohan Matthen, Vivian Mizrahi
- Cameron Buckner (Houston)
- Nick Byrd (Florida State)
- John Schwenkler (Florida State)
Thank you to everyone who presented, commented, and participated! Thanks also to our wonderful session chairs. And thank you to the many people who helped review submissions!