Minds Online 2015 – Program

The conference will comprise four weeklong sessions. The papers in each session will be posted the weekend before the official start date for anyone who wants to read the papers in advance. The commentaries will be posted on the official start date. Comments will open to the public once the invited commentaries have been posted. The schedule is as follows:

August 31 – September 4: Social Cognition

KEYNOTETony Jack and Jared Friedman (Case Western Reserve): “Mapping cognitive structure onto the landscape of philosophical debate: an empirical framework with relevance to problems of consciousness, free will and ethics”

September 7-11: Perception and Consciousness

KEYNOTE: Nico Orlandi (UC Santa Cruz) “Bayesian Perception is Ecological Perception

September 14-18: Belief and Reasoning

KEYNOTE: Ram Neta (UNC) “Basing Is Conjuring

September 21-25: Philosophy of Neuroscience and Cognitive Science

KEYNOTE: Karen Neander (Duke): “Why I’m Not A Content Pragmatist




Cameron Buckner (Houston)

Nick Byrd (Florida State)

John Schwenkler (Florida State)

Session Coordinators

Brett Castellanos (Florida State) — Philosophy of Neuroscience & Cognitive Science

Jorge Morales (Columbia) — Perception & Consciousness

Mirja Pérez De Calleja (Florida State) — Belief & Reasoning

Brandon Tinklenberg (Houston) — Social Cognition

Special thanks to

Kyle Boerstler (Florida State)

Aaron Brooks (Florida State)

Felipe De Brigard (Duke)

James Genone (Rutgers)

Pavel Nitchovski (Houston)

Josh Weisberg (Houston)

Thank you to everyone who submitted a paper, commented on a paper, shared the conference, and/or participated.